Change float to int

Change a float to int in Objective-C The Code float valueFloat = slider.value; int valueInt = (int) valueFloat; Explanation 1-The inital value is received from a slider in the App (slider.value). That inital value received is 3.1415 and have 4 decimals (1415). That’s what we call in programming a  »float ». 2-The slider.value 3.1415 is than…


Swift Programming Language is born.

Voici! Swift Apple’s new language for programing. Announce Announced in june 2014 at WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) in San Francisco. Speed Apple say, it’s faster and easier to code. As I experimented, Yes, it’s fast and easyer for those who start or come from other programming laguage. Try it See how to dowload and…
