Apple and I are on the same constraint planet
Here is a constraint problem on the Bousole App.
With iOS 8.2 – I’ve made a bug report.
With iOS 8.3 – Here’s the bug fix.
Here is a constraint problem on the Bousole App.
With iOS 8.2 – I’ve made a bug report.
With iOS 8.3 – Here’s the bug fix.
Swift Code work’s fine with a dot (.) decimal. The problem is when your using a comma (,) in your variables. Origin of the problem: Usually, the origin of the problem is from the Decimal Keyboard that use a comma (,) instead of a dot (.) Like the French Decimal Keyboard The result: The reality is that you are loosing every…
If you want to force a number to change or keep it positive. Here is the way: abs() for int fabs() for double fabsf() for float If you want more info, you can look here:
Witch one to use: String () or String? Depends … on how you do things! But! For my part, I’ve reduce bug crashing App when using: String () How? String? make’s it wait for a value from the user (problematic). String () set’s a nil value. Why! If using String? and the user skip…
How to create a iOS App Preview First look for the System Requirement: iOS device with Lightning connector Retina display iOS 8 A Mac with OS X Yosemite In other words: You can only use iPhone and iPad that have Lightning connector. Only iPhone and iPad with Retina Display And the iOS 8 For more questions go…
The settings used in Photoshop to reproduce the Apple App Icon contour is a radius of 240 pixels. Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (Guide Help’s for precision) Select Feather (Softens edges of the selections) Apply a Radius: 240 value. Note: The Snap to guide fonction will help you build the square. Hold Shift to make a…
Voici! Swift Apple’s new language for programing. Announce Announced in june 2014 at WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) in San Francisco. Speed Apple say, it’s faster and easier to code. As I experimented, Yes, it’s fast and easyer for those who start or come from other programming laguage. Try it See how to dowload and…
In the new version of iOS 8, Apple has added a feature called: Margin Relative. This could make problems at run, debug or compile time because older version does not support Margin Relative. To fix the problem: Disable all « Prefer margin relative » (uncheck) If it still does not work at the end, here’s my personal…
Why opening Xcode 6 is long … take’s time … forever When Xcode 6 is open for the first time, it can take up to a couple of minutes before it complete it’s first opening. Why? … Security. Because Xcode look, compute a checksum on tens of thousands of files using over 5 GB…
Change a float to int in Objective-C The Code float valueFloat = slider.value; int valueInt = (int) valueFloat; Explanation 1-The inital value is received from a slider in the App (slider.value). That inital value received is 3.1415 and have 4 decimals (1415). That’s what we call in programming a »float ». 2-The slider.value 3.1415 is than…